FIB - First Ipswich Bank
FIB stands for First Ipswich Bank
Here you will find, what does FIB stand for in Firm under Finance category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate First Ipswich Bank? First Ipswich Bank can be abbreviated as FIB What does FIB stand for? FIB stands for First Ipswich Bank. What does First Ipswich Bank mean?The firm is located in Ipswich, Massachusetts and deals in financial services.
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Alternative definitions of FIB
- Festival Internacional de Benicassim
- Flying Inflatable Boat
- Festival Internacional de Benicàssim
- Federation of International Bandy
- Friendly Illinois Buddy
- First Interstate Bank
- First Investment Bank
- Fortis Insurance Belgium
View 43 other definitions of FIB on the main acronym page
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- FGL Foodie Group Limited
- FLL Festive Lights Ltd
- FIS Fidelity Information Services
- FGYA Fergus Garber Young Architects
- FSA Front Systems As
- FLG Front Line Genomics
- FML Federal Management Ltd
- FHC Four Health Communications
- FMEL FM Environmental Limited
- FFC Fauna Foods Corp.
- FTL Fundamental Technologies Ltd.
- FDC Fogo Data Centers
- FCHL Full Circle Home LLC
- FHS Fortified Health Security
- FSFW Foundation for a Smoke-Free World
- FSCU Family Security Credit Union